Tuesday, June 16, 2009

How to install Cisco packet tracer 5 in Ubuntu linux 9.04

U can install cisco packet tracer in ubuntu 9.04 now. For this all y have to do is to follow the following steps and u r done.

1. Download the packet tracer 5 from cisco site if u r student there [ The generic tar.gz format ] But if u r not a student then download it from here.
click this link to download
And keep the downloaded file in desktop.

2. Open the terminal and write
"sudo tar xzvf PacketTracer5_generic.tar.gz" [without the quotation mark]
Give the sudo password.

3. Now it is uncompressed. Go to your home directory and find the uncompressed folder. Enter into the folder and there u will find a file named "install".
double click on that file and a prompt will come up.
Select "Run in Terminal" option.

4. Now follow the on screen instructions.......

U r half done now.... :)

After this installation u can run this from the terminal.
To run this open the terminal and type "packettracer"
[without the quotation mark]
U can now see the cisco packet tracer running.

if u do not want to do this thing every time, then lets make a launcher ....
to make a launcher,
>> go to desktop.
>>Right click and select "create a launcher"
>> Insert the following values in to its fields.
Type : Application
Name: Packet Tracer 5
Command: packettracer
Comment: CISCO networking

Yes Now u r done......

if u have problem regarding this, plz comment I will try to help ...
or u can mail me "extremeaiub@yahoo.com"


  1. Hey, i have a dell mini 9 with ubuntu 9.10 . when i "run in terminal" i go through the agreement, then double click the "install" file again and click run but, nothing happens.

    plz help

  2. After runing the 2nd step I get this below results,

    tar: PacketTracer5_generic.tar.gz: Cannot open: No such file or directory
    tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
    tar: Child returned status 2
    tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors

    And from here when I go to home directory I cant find such file named "uncompressed folder" or even the uncompressed file. I`m stacked, help me am on middle of running a project which on my side I will cisco Packet Tracer simulator to design the network security structure.

    I`m using Ubuntu 9.10

  3. @ Eddymak,For this just locate ur file location with this command
    sudo tar UR_FILE_LOCATION/xzvf PacketTracer5_generic.tar.gz

    u better move the file into ur home/your_name directory and then put the command. Hope this will solve ur problem.

  4. Thanks man, it works perfectly.
    Please, help me to launch it from the menu Accessories.
    You are a different genius, you're a usefull one

  5. Excellent instructions. Even for a Linux newbie like me.

  6. Thank you very much!

    I'm a bit of a linux-newbie and I somehow didn't thought (or actually even notice :( strange...) the "run in terminal" button. I was really wondering how to install it as it had no configure file etc.

  7. Boy o Boy o Boy .......... Was breaking ma head installing this in ubuntu 9.04 , tried installing using wine but it neva seemed to be working ... Tot I should installing windows to work with this but THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH ... U made ma day :-]

  8. hi dude,,i cant open the packet tracer activity that i did from packet tracer for windows ver. to packet tracer linux ver. Is there no other way to open it?

  9. @Winston, You need to open the packet tracer program first in ubuntu then form the file menu open the windows ver activity file, it will be fine than.

  10. thx! it was so easy to install and it works just fine on ubuntu 10.04!

  11. <a href="https://zahretelmamlakah.com/%d8%b4%d8%b1%d9%83%d8%a9-%d8%aa%d9%86%d8%b8%d9%8a%d9%81-%d8%ae%d8%b2%d8%a7%d9%86%d8%a7%d8%aa-%d8%a8%d8%ae%d9%85
